Chapter 29 Am I that scary?_1

Setting up the tent was a piece of cake for Carson Flores, his deft movements finishing the job under a patch of shade.

The weather was quite hot, Carson was dripping with sweat and just about to wipe off when Samantha Tate came over, holding a pristine white towel in her hand.

"You're all sweaty, let me wipe it off for you."

Samantha stood right in front of Carson, almost touching him as she wiped the sweat, her actions intimate and her light fragrance distinctly detectable.

Carson chuckled, "You really do put on quite the act."

Samantha's eyes curved, and she smiled seductively, "Just enjoy it while you can."

After wiping off the sweat, Samantha took a bottle of water and handed it to Carson, "Drink some water."

Carson accepted with a smile, glancing over at Ethan, couldn't help but be amused, "It's working, he looks about ready to shoot fire from his eyes."