Chapter 51: Sending Off with a Fist

"Kid, you think you can stand up for someone?"

Shang Shijie looked at Carson Flores with disdain, "You seem to be a guest of honor for the Simmons Family, so today is just your bad luck, go to Hell with the Simmons Family."

Carson Flores stared at Shang Shijie and said indifferently, "Mr. Simmons wasn't wrong, you really are a madman."

Shang Shijie's eyes were fierce, "Calling me a madman, huh, then go die!"

Shang Shijie shook his hand, and the dagger in his hand turned into a streak of dark light, shooting towards Carson Flores's heart.

With a casual step, Carson Flores lightly moved his body to the side, and with an effortless grasp in the air, the dagger immediately fell into his hand.

Carson Flores flicked his hand, and the dagger shot back towards Shang Shijie with even greater speed.

Shang Shijie was shocked, hastily moved aside, and the dagger grazed his face, leaving a bloody cut on it.

Blood flowed from the wound, making his face appear more ferocious.