Chapter 63 Medicine Cures Disease Only, Doesn't Solve Cases_1

Carson Flores had originally planned to quietly inform Vincent Ward of the result so that Ward could explain it to everyone. However, with Ward's startled reaction, all eyes turned to Flores, and Flores realized he could no longer stay out of it.

"Yes, he's not sick; he has been cursed with gu."

Although Flores was reluctant to draw attention, the child was innocent and, as a physician, he could not ignore the situation.

What was more critical was that Raphael Schneider's method of drawing blood with a spiral needle was something Flores understood. The technique was quite clever, but it wasn't the right treatment.

Before Leonard Reid could speak, Schneider scoffed with a sneer, "Cursed with gu? Young man, you've read too many novels and lost your grip on reality. Where in the world is there such a thing as gu? It's nothing more than an exaggerated myth about venomous creatures."

Reid turned to ask, "Doctor Ward, who is he?"