Chapter 101 Mr. Flores, You Name Your Price_1

"Mr. Flores."

Tucker Tyler got out of the car, ran up to Carson Flores with reverence, bowed humbly, and displayed a submissive attitude.

Carson Flores pointed behind the black business car, "Behind the car."

Tucker Tyler gestured to his trusted subordinates, who swiftly brought out body bags and sprang into action. Soon, the bodies of Ah Long and three others were zipped up in the bags and placed into the arriving vehicle. The bloodstains on the ground were also washed away with large buckets of water, leaving no trace.

"Mr. Flores, do you need the car taken away?"

Carson Flores waved his hand, "No need, I have some errands to run and will take it."

Tucker Tyler respectfully inquired, "Any other orders, sir?"

Carson Flores smiled and tossed a cigarette to Tucker Tyler, "That's all, you can go back. Thanks for the hard work."