Chapter 130 Accidental Success_1

The quiet villa lit up one by one, and a large group of people walked out of the villa, led by none other than the current Family Head of the Woolery Family, Rhys Woolery, who was Ronin Woolery's father.

Rhys Woolery looked at Carson Flores and sneered, "Where did this greenhorn come from, coming to pay a visit in the dead of night, tired of living, are you?"

Carson Flores smiled faintly, "On a night when the moon is dark, and the wind is high, perfect for taking a life, doesn't it suit whether you guys kill me and just bury me on a whim, or I kill you guys all the same?"

Rhys Woolery's expression changed slightly, "Who are you, and what vendetta do you have with my Woolery Family?"

Carson Flores laughed, "I have no vendetta with you, but your son Ronin got on my bad side. I figured if I killed him, you, his father, would definitely seek revenge, by any means necessary, even harming the innocent. So, I decided to come directly to your doorstep, to solve the problem thoroughly."