Chapter 138 Loving Him, Unable to Extricate Oneself_1

"You went to see Ronin Woolery?"

Under the gazes of anticipation and shock from the two women, Carson Flores smiled gently, "I took a trip to the Woolery Family and had a chat with the Family Head, who is Ronin Woolery's father. They later agreed with my reasoning and summoned Ronin Woolery home. They crippled his legs as an apology to me. I guess Ronin Woolery will have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair."


God damn reasoning!

Are the Woolery Family people of reason?

If they were, Ronin Woolery wouldn't have been so rampaging, so unbridled!

Samantha Tate had witnessed Carson Flores's ruthless killings before and faintly, she had already guessed the truth.

Winning people over with reason!

What is reason?

The biggest fist is the reason!

Carson Flores must have gone alone to the Woolery Family, fought them, and then, after defeating them, forced them to recall Ronin Woolery and cripple his legs.

Carson Flores can beat the Woolery Family?