Chapter 141 Tucker Tyler, Why Are You Everywhere?_1

"Fine, you just wait!"

The three men turned and ran away. Raelynn Howell clapped her hands, her demeanor relaxed, "Trash! Rebecca, you weren't scared, were you?"

Rebecca Ward shook her head, "I'm fine."

Raelynn Howell looped her arm, laughed and said, "Then let's go back."

Rebecca Ward asked worriedly, "You just gave out our room number. What if they really come looking for us?"

"Beat them up!"

Raelynn Howell answered as if it was the most natural thing, "These trash all bully the weak and fear the strong. Just give them a good thrashing, and there'll be no more trouble. Uh, Carson..."

Raelynn Howell's smile stiffened as if she were a student caught skipping class, her expression awkward, "You saw all that, huh?"

Carson Flores laughed, "Just the outcome. You're really impressive, you know, taking down three grown men so easily."