Chapter 144: Underestimated?_1

"The Woolery, Browning, and Howell families are the three old Cultivator families in Polgel, with the Woolery being the strongest, the Browning next, and our Howell family the weakest."

At the barbecue stand, Raelynn Howell explained with a touch of embarrassment, "I wasn't deliberately hiding my family's situation before; I just thought that when making friends, what's important is bonding over shared hearts, not getting tangled up in family backgrounds. It's quite bothersome."

Carson Flores, holding a beer, clinked his bottle against Raelynn's and chuckled, "You don't know Danny Browning?"

Raelynn Howell shook her head, "I'm just a student and don't get involved in family affairs on regular days. If he doesn't reveal his family name, I really wouldn't recognize him."