Chapter 152: Little Lamb? This is a Great White Shark!_1

The man picked up the contract, glanced at the signature and seal, and laughed, "He who knows the times is a wise man, you're very smart, you can save us all a lot of trouble."

Shirley Miller glared at the man, "I've already signed, when can we leave?"

The man just smiled, "Next, you'll need to do a bit of cooperating. If things go smoothly, you can go back tomorrow morning."

Shirley Miller asked, "Cooperate with what?"

The man laughed heartily, "Just a trifle, the night is long and everyone's bored, let's find some fun together, I trust you won't mind."

The several men around them all revealed lecherous gazes and burst into loud laughter.

Shirley Miller's complexion turned deathly pale; in this remote place, where cries to heaven went unheard and pleas to earth went unanswered, what these men wanted to do, was already clear without saying.