Chapter 159 Are We Dead?_1

Lydia Howell, though in her thirties, looked to be in her twenties due to her cultivator's regimen; her appearance, skin, and figure were flawless, even more fair and tight.

The skin on Lydia's back was tight and smooth as jade, except for a dark palm print that now marred her back at the vest line, which looked terribly frightening.

Julia's eyes suddenly widened, she exclaimed, "Poisonous Palm!"

Carson nodded, "This strike was severe, but not enough to be fatal to Lydia. What's truly lethal is the poison contained within the palm, which has increased the burden on her internal organs."

Carson spoke, yet his hands didn't pause for a moment, his silver needle placement quick as the wind.

In the blink of an eye, Lydia's back was filled with silver needles around the dark palm print.

This sight instilled a thick sense of hope within Julia's heart.