Chapter 164 Have you seen my slippers?_1

Mr. Browning sprinted a few steps and his figure leapt up, attempting to leap to the back of a pond. However, while still in mid-air, a gust of wind struck his back.

Mr. Browning had no time to react when a long blade had already pierced directly through his back and then a section of the blade tip emerged from his front chest.

Mr. Browning's body fell down. He staggered a step, steadied himself, looked down at the tip of the blade protruding from his chest, and a look of horror and despair appeared on his face.

Mr. Browning turned around and looked at Carson, who was sheathing his sword, his lips moved but he said nothing and his body slowly slumped to the ground.

Life quickly faded away, Mr. Browning watched the figures that were becoming increasingly blurry in the distance, his heart filled with endless regret.

Why did he provoke him?

Was it not good enough to continue being the local emperor of Polgel?

What was the point?