Chapter 181: You Have the Air of a Master_1

"Today is your birthday, I should do something to mark the occasion."

Samantha Tate held her wine glass, laughing lightly, "Don't blame yourself, I deliberately didn't tell you. Having you here is enough!"

Carson Flores smiled and said, "Even though you say that and I'm touched, I still think there should be something to commemorate this moment, after all, this is the first birthday of yours since we've met..."

Just as Samantha was about to speak, she saw Carson raise his hand and wave to a waiter nearby.

Samantha Tate widened her beautiful eyes. What was he preparing to do?

In Samantha's disbelieving gaze, the waiter wheeled out a trolley from behind the bar with a small but exquisite cake on it, lit with candles, and beside it lay a bunch of bright red roses with a box placed on top of them.

Surprise that couldn't be hidden filled Samantha's eyes. "When did you prepare this?"