Chapter 184 He Can't Teach a Disciple Like You_1

Oscar Miller's face changed.

Gang Qi Protection!

How could this be possible?

Carson Flores was just over twenty, how could he have cultivated Gang Qi Protection?

In the entire Miller Family, only three elders had cultivated Gang Qi; how did Carson Flores achieve this?

Oscar Miller was starting to panic.

To cultivate Gang Qi at such a young age, there were only two possibilities—one was unparalleled talent, and the other was an unparalleled Cultivation Technique. More likely, it was a combination of both.

Yet now, he had provoked Carson Flores, and theirs was a feud unto death!

Wesley Roth's body flew out, crashing into a pillar in the villa hall that was tiled with marble, shattering it instantly.

Carson Flores glanced toward Oscar Miller. Miller's face turned two shades paler, and he stepped back twice.

Seeing this, Wesley Roth became incredibly anxious and lunged at Carson Flores again while shouting, "Young Master, you go first!"