Chapter 193: Being an Assistant is Not as Comfortable as Being a Security Guard_1

The four or five men hesitated for a moment before sitting down. When Carson took out cigarettes, handing a pack to each person, and brought out some fine liquor he bought to treat everyone, their eyes all lit up.

"Brother, what are you trying to find out?"

As Carson poured the drinks, he asked, "I've come back from the military, and my family has kicked me out to work. I want to know about the welfare and treatment at the pharmaceutical factory nowadays, and if they're hiring new workers..."

Eating someone's food and taking their gifts makes one soft-hearted; with Carson's fine cigarettes and liquor, and hearing that he had returned from military service, these men let down their guard and began to talk one after another.

"The company's treatment is pretty good, but management-wise, it's not that great. Recently, the factory was sold to the Miller Group from Polgel. What the future holds, whether we can continue working here, is still uncertain."