Chapter 190: You and my sister? What's the situation?_1


In the Howell Family estate, Lydia Howell's agonizing screams were incessant, causing the brows of the Howell family members to tremble incessantly.

"How painful must it be? She's been screaming for days."

"Lydia Howell is such a proud person, to cry out so shamelessly, it must really hurt!"

"I heard Mr. Flores is helping her with her Breakthrough. If that's true, then this Mr. Flores is quite remarkable."

"It's not that easy, as far as I know. The various expensive medicinal materials bought recently, along with all sorts of strange and unusual items, have already cost tens of millions."

"That's only to be expected. If Lydia Howell can breakthrough to the Gang Qi Realm, what's a mere tens of millions? As long as Lydia Howell doesn't fall, anyone who wants to deal with the Howell Family will have to think twice."