Chapter 199 What do you think of me?_1

"It's not that I'm pessimistic, but if pure love was as common as cabbages and turnips littering the streets, there wouldn't be so many novels and movies glorifying love, nor would everyone long for it during their growth. It's precisely because it's rare that people yearn for and look forward to it."

Carson Flores spoke casually, but his words carried a deep sigh: "These days, most couples are in an AA-style marriage, partnering up to get through life. If things go smoothly, maybe they'll just get by until they're old. After being together for so long, they become like family to each other. But if they encounter any bitterness or hardship, isn't that when they fly apart in the face of disaster?"

Shirley Miller blinked, "That's quite realistic. What about you, what kind of person are you looking for?"

Carson Flores smiled, "Hard to say."

Shirley Miller smiled, "Come on, tell me. I'm really curious."