Chapter 207: Bloodsucking Leeches_1

As soon as Shirley Miller finished speaking, the commotion among the crowd instantly escalated.

After ten seconds, the first person left the crowd.

The second...

The third...

Like a breached river, more and more people were leaving, and the dense crowd visibly dispersed at a fast pace.

Eithan Fuentes and the others grew somewhat panicked.

They had not expected Shirley Miller to be so resolute. They thought that due to her young age, they could easily bully her.

They misjudged.

Eithan Fuentes and his companions exchanged glances. Soft whispers ensued among them and the panic that surrounded them was promptly subdued.

A minute later, the crowd of hundreds dwindled to only twenty or thirty people.

Davis Bernard didn't dawdle either. Having already chosen a good spot to take photos, he clicked his camera, capturing all those who remained.

Shirley Miller said coldly, "All of you are relieved of your duties, go back and wait for further notice."