Chapter 214 My Father's Life is Not That Cheap_1

"Mr. Flores, possessing such impressive abilities at such a young age, may I ask where you learned them from?"

Remy Johnston smiled and clinked glasses with Carson Flores, "As far as I know, even in the world of cultivators, there aren't many who possess such a level of medical skills."

Carson Flores frankly replied, "My master is Andrew."

A look of surprise appeared on Remy Johnston's face, and his eyes lit up with realization, "So you are a disciple of Master Andrew, no wonder. His medical skills are renowned throughout the entire cultivator world, not to mention his strength, he is unparalleled in both martial arts and medicine..."

Carson Flores said with a smile, "My master has a straightforward nature, speaks his mind, and acts directly. He's offended quite a few people; hopefully, the Johnston Family isn't among them?"