Chapter 217 Am I not that charming?_1

Carson Flores's hand rested on Shirley Miller's back, and Shirley's body suddenly stiffened, but she didn't move.

A fire ignited in Carson's heart as well.

He wasn't a saint.

Even though he knew he shouldn't go any further, the words, the atmosphere, the environment, all seemed to lead up to this moment, and as a man, he subconsciously wanted something to happen.

After all, the woman in his arms was his lawful wife, with a certificate to prove it, and what's more, she seemed to have no intention of refusing.

Carson bent down towards Shirley's face and gently kissed her closed eyes.


Shirley suddenly exclaimed, her body like it had been electrocuted, bouncing right out of Carson's arms. She didn't dare meet Carson's eyes, put on her shoes, grabbed her disheveled bathrobe into her chest, and ran outside.

She paused at the door, "I'm sorry, my fault... go to sleep early."