Chapter 228: I'm looking for Carson Flores, I'm his girlfriend_1

"Carson, you're inside, so I'll stand guard."

Just as Carson Flores had entered the guardhouse to switch shifts, the young security guard, Augustus Vasquez, proactively gave up his seat to him.

Carson Flores smiled and tossed over a pack of cigarettes: "Thanks."

It didn't take long after Carson Flores joined the security team for everyone to figure out his situation.

He came from a wealthy family, wasn't short on money, and was just here to kill time. He didn't care about the paycheck at all.

He was capable, able to take on a group of thugs all by himself without blinking an eye.

He was generous. In just a few days, he had treated them twice, and the amount of cigarettes he distributed among them was countless. He'd already spent the equivalent of one or two months' salary.

He was lazy. If he could sit, he wouldn't stand, and he would never work hard unless it was absolute necessary.