Chapter 230 The Richest Man in Tianhai_1

Carson Flores's scalp went numb.

How could it be such a coincidence?

Just so happened, not a minute early, not a minute late, they ran into each other?

Nobody in the factory knew about the relationship between Shirley Miller and Carson Flores, and naturally, Shirley Miller didn't stop to ask. Her car just slipped past Carson Flores.

Carson Flores and Shirley Miller shared a glance. In Shirley Miller's eyes, there was no anger, only a twinge of puzzlement and curiosity.

Carson Flores snapped back to reality. Why should he feel guilty?

If she saw it, she saw it.

The BMW X5 disappeared, and Carson Flores retracted his gaze, turning his head to see the woman in the black dress looking at him with a teasing gaze.

Getting into the car with a composed expression, Carson Flores asked, "Laughing at what?"


The woman in the black dress rolled up the window and, turning her head with a smiling face, said, "Will you be scolded when you get back?"