Chapter 235: Are You Not Going Home?_1

Carson Flores woke up, and it was already 3 a.m.

He opened his eyes, which had regained their clarity, and shook his head, as countless images surfaced in his mind.

These images weren't 100% coherent, but they were still relatively clear, similar to the feeling one gets after drinking too much – at least it enabled him to understand what he had been doing during this period, rather than completely losing his memory.

Carson Flores tried to move but suddenly found out that he couldn't.

His hands and feet were bound with duct tape and tied to the bedposts, his body spread-eagled, wearing no clothes with only a thin blanket over him.

Carson Flores looked at the tape on his hands, his expression showing a hint of subtlety.

The tape was wrapped pretty solidly, but for someone of Carson Flores' strength, it wasn't just about duct tape – even if it were hemp rope, he could break it instantly with a surge of Inner Qi.