Chapter 238 Being Frank May Lead to Leniency_1


"The Martinez Family, mainly engaged in real estate and biotechnology, which includes drug research and development as well as sales, competes fiercely with the Miller Family in both domains. Though not exactly mortal enemies, the business world is a battlefield. If anyone wanted to destroy the Miller Family, the Martinez Family would welcome it with open arms and would be more than willing to give them a push."

Remy Johnston explained, "If the Miller Family falls, the Martinez Family will lose a competitor and inevitably reap great benefits."

Carson Flores felt his interest piqued. Having an additional ally could only be good, even if they couldn't lead a charge. If they helped rally behind us, took a few swings in the dark, and kicked someone when they're down, that'd still be pretty decent.

As for healing, well, what's difficult for some is not so for others. Since there's a benefit, why not give it a try?