Chapter 247 Are You Going to Break My Leg?_1

The sky had darkened, and the vast open space outside the farmhouse was illuminated by countless lights as bright as daylight. One luxury car after another continuously entered the huge parking lot, with the roaring of engines sounding incessantly, stirring the atmosphere into a fervent excitement.

It was the height of summer, and women in cool clothing shuttled through the crowd, with bursts of laughter adding several degrees of heat to the air.

Carson Flores stood to the side with his arms crossed, taking in the summer night's revelry.

People came here dressed in designer brands, sported luxury watches, drove extravagant cars, as well as those who drove vehicles worth only a couple of hundred thousand, some arrived by taxi, and others rode on motorbikes, the only commonality being their youth, most being under forty, with plenty of teenagers around eighteen or nineteen.

The streetlights along the road had lit up, but were spaced far apart, providing limited visibility.