Chapter 253: Shall I Compensate You or Keep You Company?_1

Kylie Martinez clicked her heels forward, strutting like a beautiful, proud peacock until she stood before Camille Rhodes, her face an icy blend of arrogance, her eyes full of challenge.

The assertiveness Carson Flores had just displayed allowed Camille Rhodes to easily win a round against Kylie Martinez. This irked Kylie, who had always been a fierce rival of Camille's.

She wanted to gamble with Camille once more and turn the tables!

Camille glanced at Kylie, her expression relaxed, "Are you betting on your brother?"

Kylie nodded, "Yes, I've said before, on this racetrack, my brother won't lose, even if he's up against the Wilderness Racing God!"

Camille shook her head with a smile, "I'm not betting."

Kylie was taken aback, "You also think my brother is more formidable than Iker Combs?"

Camille chuckled softly, her gaze somewhat meaningful, "I don't think your brother is more formidable than Iker Combs. I don't know if he'll win, but he definitely won't lose."