Chapter 257 When did the security threshold become so high?_1

"Yes, that's him."

Kylie Martinez looked at Carson Flores with surprise, "Why would he give you ten million?"

Carson Flores smiled and said, "Consider it a consultation fee."

At that moment, Camille Rhodes couldn't care about arguing with Kylie Martinez anymore because her mind was also filled with question marks. She quickly followed up with, "Consultation fee? Are you a doctor?"

Carson Flores answered, "I'm not a doctor, but I understand medical science, and my level is quite good."

Kylie Martinez and Camille Rhodes were not fools, to pay a consultation fee of ten million, that would be more than just 'quite good,' wouldn't it?

With the power of the Johnston Family, what kind of doctor couldn't they get?

Why would they need Carson Flores, a security guard, to treat someone in their family?