Chapter 280: Two Paths? I Choose the Third Path_1

"Has the money delivery arrived?"

Carson Flores walked up to Harper Miller, seemingly completely clueless about the situation, and spoke in a relaxed and casual tone, "Isn't this a trifle that could be settled by just transferring some money? Is it really necessary for someone to make a special trip?"

Harper Miller sneered without saying a word, but the look she gave Carson Flores was as if she were staring at a dead man.

"I'm Rodney Compton, Mr. Miller received the call from Miss Miller, and he sent me here to deal with this."

Carson Flores fixed his gaze on Rodney Compton, "Not a Miller? You're not part of the Miller Family?"

Rodney Compton replied, "I am Mr. Miller's driver and bodyguard."

Carson Flores pressed on, "Which Mr. Miller?"

Rodney Compton's tone remained calm and steady, "Mr. Barrett Miller."

"Never heard of him, don't know him."

Carson Flores randomly retorted with a smile, "So, what's your plan for dealing with this?"