Chapter 283: How about you give me a car?_1

"Twenty million!"

Samantha Tate's eyes sparkled as she exclaimed, "Just like that, winning twenty million in such a short time, and acting so nonchalant about it, Brother, you're amazing!"

Carson Flores laughed, "Enemies do seem to come together by fate, don't they? To run into this kind of luck, it's like money just flew in!"

Full of curiosity, Samantha Tate asked, "Aren't you worried about losing? What if you really lost? Would you actually choose to default?"

Carson Flores explained, "If I did lose, I wouldn't default. I am determined to fight the Miller Family to the end. If I lost, the money would be of no use to me, but if I won, I could have as much money as I wanted. However, I won't lose."

Samantha Tate smiled, "You're so confident. Aren't you afraid that both of them are experts?"