Chapter 291: The Whole Nest Comes Out, They Really Think Highly of Me_1


After work, Carson Flores had dinner at the food stall with a couple of security guards as usual, and then strolled around, preparing to hail a taxi.

He hadn't walked far when a shrill argument nearby caught his attention.

At the entrance of an alley, a man and a woman were having a fierce argument.

The man yelled in anger, "Don't think I don't know what you're up to, flirting with that pretty boy all day, as if I were dead!"

The woman was quite beautiful and screamed, "How am I flirting? I can't even talk to someone normally now? Why don't you just chain me up with Iron Chains!"

The man angrily said, "Still pretending? Where were you yesterday?"

The woman answered, "I went shopping with friends, didn't I tell you? I'm a person, I have my freedom..."

"Freedom my ass!"

The man cursed and slapped the woman, knocking her to the ground with the blow. Not yet content, he kicked her as she lay there.