Chapter 301 Aren't you afraid your wife will see this?_1

"Beckham Miller is dead, everything is going according to plan."

Carson Flores lounged lazily in bed, holding his phone and sending a message to the small group.

Remy Johnston: ???

Kylan Martinez: ???

Jabari Fitzgerald: Carson, what are you joking about?

Perhaps because Remy Johnston, Kylan Martinez, and Carson had developed a certain personal relationship, the Johnston Family and the Martinez Family had sent Remy and Kylan, respectively, to represent them. Seeing this, Shiloh Fitzgerald also had his nephew, Jabari Fitzgerald, the heir of the Fitzgerald Family, join their small group of three to facilitate communication.

Carson didn't bother with small talk and uploaded a photo directly—the disheveled state of Beckham Miller embedded in a car after he was taken out.

There was a brief silence in the chat, obviously, they were seeking confirmation, as none of them knew Beckham Miller personally.