Chapter 303: Asura Field?_1

Carson Flores was toasting with Camille Rhodes when he heard his name being called and turned around, his expression momentarily tensed.

Shirley Miller!

Damn, we really ran into each other!

Though this place is just the food street next to the pharmaceutical factory, and the chance of being seen from a passing car was not high, she still managed to see him.

Camille Rhodes's curse really came true.

Camille Rhodes turned her head as well, her eyebrows slightly raised and a smile on her face, looking at Carson Flores with the air of someone ready to enjoy a good show.


That's impossible!

If Camille Rhodes was afraid of seeing Shirley Miller just because she slept with Carson Flores, she wouldn't have gone to the pharmaceutical factory to meet Shirley alone.

Camille Rhodes liked Carson Flores for being a daring and competent wild man; she didn't care whether he was married or not.

She even enjoyed such scenes; she wanted to see Carson Flores flustered and cowarded.