Chapter 310 What Are You Up To?_1

Carson Flores didn't go out to have fun with Camille Rhodes; instead, he returned to the hotel after dinner.

If he really had gone with Camille Rhodes, with her charming and seductive nature, Carson would probably struggle to get out of bed with weak legs tomorrow. The long-awaited battle to annihilate the Miller Family was set for the night, and he needed to conserve his strength.

That day, Carson did not go to work but maintained close contact with the Martinez Family, the Fitzgerald Family, and the Johnston Family, while he himself welcomed a guest he had been secretly awaiting.

A man in his forties, with a square face, stern features, a strong build, and an air of efficiency all about him.

Upon seeing Carson, the middle-aged man's face lit up with a smile, and he strode over with open arms to give Carson a big hug.

"Heard you got married?"