Chapter 327 Shirley Miller, you forced me! _1

Santino Vasquez sat in the car, staring at the phone screen, feeling somewhat anxious as he waited.

How would Shirley Miller reply?


A message arrived.

Shirley Miller: "Don't tell me you saw Carson Flores?"

Santino Vasquez was stunned.

Did she guess right on the first try?

Did she really know about Camille Rhodes and Carson Flores's ambiguous relationship and not care at all?

Santino Vasquez: "How did you guess so accurately?"

Shirley Miller: "You know him, Camille knows him, and the only one I know would be Carson Flores."

For a moment, Santino Vasquez didn't know how to reply to this message. Your reaction isn't right!

It's too nonchalant.

You've got me confused here.

After some thought, Santino Vasquez finally sorted out his thoughts and continued replying to the message.

"Camille Rhodes was arm in arm with Carson Flores, looking intimate. What's their relationship, do you know?"