Chapter 332 Roll Over Here, Or I'll Tear Down Erhe Tang_1

"I know, I know, someone from your side already told me last time."

Carson Flores idly played with a leaf he had plucked while descending from above, lazily replying, "It seems you're not interested in answering my question?"

Stanley Hartman said coldly, "If you have any questions, you can ask our Hall Master!"

Carson Flores nodded slightly, speaking indifferently, "Since you're in charge here and yet unwilling to make decisions or communicate, your life has no meaning."

Stanley Hartman's face changed, and he said sharply, "If you kill me, the Hall Master won't let you go, the Harrison Family won't let you go either..."

With a raise of his hand, Carson Flores sent a leaf cutting into the heart just below the ribs as if it were a blade.

Stanley Hartman's voice abruptly stopped as he looked down in shock and desperation.

A leaf!