Chapter 339 Master and Servant_1

Edgar Harrison took a deep breath and knelt on one knee.

"If you spare my life, it will be yours to command from now on. I will serve you in all things. If you wish to kill me, I have no strength to resist, then go ahead and do it!"

Carson Flores's face showed no surprise as he said indifferently, "Are you sure you didn't tip off Santino Vasquez?"

Edgar Harrison affirmed, "Apart from calling him on my way here to inform him that you killed four of my men and to ask about your identity, I didn't reveal a thing. I was genuinely trying to kill him to save myself, but he was already on guard..."

Carson Flores pondered for a few seconds, "Alright, since you tried your best, I won't take your life for now. But you should hurry; your life from this moment on does not belong to you, it belongs to me. Whatever I command you to do, you must do, even if it means death!"

Edgar Harrison breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, from now on, Mr. Flores is my master!"