Chapter 368: I saw Westin Flores's son!_1


"Man, go for it! You must win!"

Carson Flores was eating when he saw the message from Camille Rhodes and laughed.

Carson Flores, "Did you hear that from your brother?"

Camille Rhodes, "Yeah, I heard you're going to have a big fight with the old man from the Acevedo Family this morning. I wanted to come over to cheer you on, but thinking of the troubles you already have, I decided not to add to the chaos."

Carson Flores, "This fight was inevitable. Since it's come to this, it's a good opportunity to settle it. Wait for my good news."

Camille Rhodes, "I heard from my brother that the Rhodes Family hasn't taken your side like the Martinez Family, Johnston Family, and Firzgerald Family have. Aren't you mad?"

Carson Flores, "Not at all, on the contrary, I feel relieved."

Camille Rhodes, "Why?"