Chapter 391: You Didn't Think the Treatment Was Free, Did You?_1

Oscar Miller, the one who escaped the net, was ultimately a disaster that Carson Flores had to personally crush to death.

The entire Miller Family was obliterated overnight, and from the favorite child of the heavens Oscar Miller degenerated into a lost and homeless dog—he could not possibly not hate, not possibly forgive.

Unable to exact revenge on Carson Flores, it was within his character to perhaps take his wrath out on Shirley Miller or Samantha Tate, so Oscar Miller had to die.

Having clarified Oscar Miller's whereabouts, Carson Flores also breathed a slight sigh of relief.

First, he needed to understand his situation and then decide on the next course of action; as a last resort, he himself could make a trip there, and with the strength of a Great Grandmaster, dealing with someone in the realm of Inner Qi was utterly effortless.