Chapter 405 Did She Also Gaze at Him Like This?_1

The bed was very wide, but there was only one comforter in the double room.

Samantha Tate and Carson Flores lay side by side. Samantha Tate had her eyes closed, yet her cheeks were flushed red, and her breathing was slightly rushed, as if she had drunk too much alcohol.

Carson Flores, on the other hand, was well-tested. Although he also felt some unease, he managed to restrain himself.

After lying there for a while, Samantha Tate couldn't endure it any longer, after all, who sleeps so rigidly and meticulously?

In her everyday sleep, she was sprawled out, adopting any pose that felt comfortable. Now, maintaining such a proper posture was simply torture.

Samantha Tate turned over, turning her back to Carson Flores, and the uncomfortable feeling seemed to ease a bit. However, after enduring for a few minutes, she began to feel uncomfortable again.

Unable to resist, Samantha Tate turned over once more, this time facing Carson Flores.