Chapter 429 Are you still making excuses, or did you come to me yourself?_1

"Bro, you really helped me out big time today. Otherwise, if I had to turn him down, that guy would definitely cling on pestering everyone and it would have made things pretty awkward for all of us!"

Carson chuckled, "I was actually worried about interrupting your romantic moment. I wasn't even planning on going up there."

Lillian rolled her eyes, "Don't even mention it, romantic moment my foot. I practically wanted to kill him right there, it was so embarrassing."

Lillian handed the flowers to Samantha, saying with a smile, "Sis, your flowers. Return to rightful owner."

Samantha didn't take them, laughing, "Those were meant for you."

Lillian's eyes widened with surprise, "Really? I thought they were from my brother to his wife, just borrowed to get me out of a tight spot."

Carson smiled, "They were for you."

Lillian's face lit up with happiness, "Thank you, brother, thank you, sis!"