Chapter 1 Su Chen_1


Night, the starry sky twinkled.

Su Chen was driving a black Santana, moving slowly along the road.

He held a cigarette in one hand that rested on the car window and casually gripped the steering wheel with the other.

On top of the steering wheel, there was a photo.

The photo was of a woman, very beautiful, and with an exceptionally outstanding demeanor.

Looking at the beauty in the photo, Su Chen's lips curled into a smile.

"Wife oh wife, just wait, I'm coming for you now."

Su Chen, the international Super Soldier King, had received news of his marriage upon returning to the country.

His fiancée was the woman in the photo.

"Sigh, having such a beautiful wife sure beats fighting and killing on the battlefield every day."

As Su Chen drove, he fantasized about his future life.

However, at that moment, a car suddenly shot out from behind, grazing past Su Chen's car.

Fortunately, Su Chen reacted quickly and adjusted the car in time, otherwise, it would surely have resulted in a collision.

The overtaking car was a red sports car, and after it passed Su Chen's black Santana, it slowed down.

There were a few youths with dyed blonde hair in the car, who now turned around and shouted loudly, even throwing beer bottles towards the rear.

But soon, they sped away.

"Fuck, dare to race with me? Even trying to provoke me?"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes.

As the Super Soldier King, his driving skills were not something these people could imagine.

The next moment, he stepped on the gas and immediately accelerated.

His car might have looked battered, but the engine was modified, so it accelerated very quickly.

Soon, he caught up with the red sports car ahead.

"Hey, big brother, that kid is catching up!" a redhead youth said.

"Hmph, a junk Santana dares to race with me? Watch as I take him down!"

The driver was a blonde youth, who now laughed coldly.

There was a turn ahead, the red sports car slowed down, but Su Chen maintained high speed and shot forward.

"Oh shit! Does he have a death wish?" Seeing this, the two youths in the sports car were completely flabbergasted.

They might be wild and arrogant, but they still feared death!

Turning at this speed would definitely result in a crash!

"He's a fucking idiot, ignore him!" said the blonde youth as he rapidly started to brake.

However, the black Santana from behind was still speeding towards him.

"Stop the car! Stop the car!"

Instantly Red Hair screamed in terror, and the driving blonde was filled with extreme tension as he quickly hit the brakes.

But despite this, the car still hit the wall.

Su Chen executed a beautiful drift at the limit and drove away, leaving behind two sweaty blonde youths.

"Hmph, little brat! Want to race with me? Wait a couple more years!"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes and lit another cigarette.

Meanwhile, the two blonde youths behind him were grinding their teeth: "Damn it, I better not see him again!"

After teaching the arrogant blonde youths a lesson, Su Chen hit the road again.

However, he soon stopped, because there was a figure standing up ahead.

It was a girl with a good figure, wearing shorts and a white T-shirt.

Her delicate face looked a bit drunk, and her eyes were even more hazy. She was now standing in the middle of the road, blocking Su Chen's Santana.

"Taxi, open the door!" the girl mumbled.

And Su Chen was left speechless: "I'm telling you, this isn't a taxi, get it straight."

There was a nightclub nearby, and clearly, the girl must have just come out from it, intoxicated.

Just as Su Chen was about to explain, a group of people emerged from the nightclub again.


These people were all youths, with many of them sporting dyed hair, smirking faces, and carrying several bottles of alcohol in their hands.

They strode purposefully toward this side and quickly surrounded the girl and Su Chen's car.

"Beautiful, going home alone is so dangerous. Why don't you let brother keep you company?"

One of the youths, sporting a Hedgehog hairstyle, leaned in closer.

The girl instinctively took two steps back while the Hedgehog-haired youth became even more brazen.

He even reached out his hand.

However, the next moment, he was blocked.

Su Chen pushed open the car door, stepped out, tossed the cigarette from his mouth to the ground, and then lightly stamped it out.

"What's up, kid, you playing hero to save the beauty?"

"Don't you even look at what you're made of!"

Hedgehog-face sneered, "I'm in a good mood today, I'll give you a chance. Crawl away from here, and I might spare your little life!"

"Otherwise, don't blame the brothers for breaking your legs and taking care of you!"

Upon hearing this, the people around all started laughing. There were a good seven or eight people on their side, while Su Chen was alone.

And judging by his build, he probably wasn't very strong.

"Kid, I advise you to scram quickly. Don't be an eyesore here!"

The others also expressed their impatience.

Because the girl in front of them was simply too exceptional. They hadn't encountered someone like her in many years, and they couldn't let her slip away this time.

Su Chen, however, narrowed his eyes, "Threatening me? Good, it's been many years since I've heard someone threaten me."

"I'll give you a choice too. Get lost, vanish from my sight, or don't blame me for being impolite."

"Impolite? How will you be impolite?"

"Could it be you want to fight us? Hahaha!"

After hearing this, everyone around burst into mocking laughter.

This kid must be ****ing crazy to dare threaten them in this situation. Doesn't he fear death?

"Kid, it looks like you really don't know what's good for you. No choice then, brothers, we'll have to do him in!"

Several youths closed in, all wearing cold smiles.

A chill wind blew by, and the girl standing behind shivered, becoming much more alert.

At this moment, seeing the situation in front of her, she felt scared and couldn't help but grab onto Su Chen's clothes.

Su Chen, however, opened the car door and pushed her inside.

"Get in, don't come out."

He then rolled up all the windows and his cold gaze swept across the area.

Su Chen acted so quickly that by the time he had protected the girl, the others hadn't reacted yet.

"You're courting death, kid!"

Seeing this, Hedgehog-face's expression turned vicious. He absolutely could not let this exceptional beauty slip through his fingers.

As for the kid in front of him, he planned to break his legs and torture him to death!

Just as they were about to make a move, the sound of an engine came from behind once again.

Following that, a red figure blocked off the road from behind.

It was a sports car, the same one Su Chen had encountered earlier.

From the car stepped out two blond-haired youths, who started smirking when they saw the scene.

"Damn, kid, I've finally caught up with you!"

"How dare you make me crash my car, I'm going to kill you today!"

"Ahuo, you're here! Just in time to help me deal with this kid."

Hedgehog-haired youth laughed as he saw the two people.

And the two who had alighted from the sports car were also surprised, "What's up, third bro, this kid dared to trouble you?"

"Shit, I had just spotted an exceptional beauty, and this kid had the guts to intercept, he's really seeking death!"

"Let me handle him!"

Red Hair quickly ran over, grabbed a beer bottle from someone's hand, and fiercely smashed it towards Su Chen's head.