Chapter 5 Fiancé!_1

The next moment, the door opened.

Then, a young man walked in.

Chu Yu's eyes widened; the man had no manners, just barging in like that.

She had just asked him to leave, but instead, he nonchalantly took a seat on her sofa.

This young man was naturally Su Chen.

He sat on the sofa, gently picked up the cup of tea from the table, took a sip, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Not bad, absolutely beautiful woman, taste isn't bad either."

"Nowadays, there are few beauties who drink tea. It's quite rare that you still keep this habit."

"Hmm, the room is also nicely decorated, very modern in style, but not showy."

"I didn't expect that your taste would match mine," Su Chen said with a smile.

Meanwhile, Chu Yu frowned, who are you?

Who let you drink my tea?

And when did your taste become like mine?

Are you sick?

She was infuriated. From the looks of it, this person was clearly not from her company, but how did he get in?

And that attitude, why did it sound so arrogant?

"Are all the security guards dead? Who let you in?"

Chu Yu couldn't figure it out, but still angrily asked, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Su Chen was taken aback, "No way, dear, do you really not know who I am?"

"Hasn't anyone told you?"

"This is too irresponsible!"


Chu Yu clenched her teeth, trembling with anger, dear?

This shameless scoundrel actually dared to call her dear?

She was about to go crazy!

"What nonsense are you talking about? I don't know you at all!" Chu Yu said angrily. "I'm warning you, leave right now, or I'm calling the police!"

"Call the police?" Su Chen laughed, "But I'm your fiancé. How can you treat me like this?"

"Fiancé?" When Chu Yu heard these words, she almost jumped up.

She screamed, "Get out now, or I'll make sure you leave crawling!"

"Wow, such a fiery temper, quite the spicy little pepper!" Su Chen nodded, "They say fiery tempers are good for bearing sons, I wonder if it's true?"

"Argh, I could kill you!" Chu Yu was so angry she stomped her foot, thinking about calling security.

But at that moment, Su Chen said again, "I really am your fiancé, didn't your family tell you?"

"My family?" Chu Yu's eyes widened. Could this be the person she was waiting for?

She felt like fainting, what kind of perfect specimen was this!

"Looks like you've remembered," Su Chen said with a smile, "If you still don't believe it, you can call and ask."

"By the way, my name is Su Chen."

"I don't care what your name is!" Chu Yu huffed and pulled out her phone, dialing her father's number.

"Xiao Yu, why are you calling at this time?" A commanding voice came from the other end of the line.

"Dad, is the person you asked me to wait for named Su Chen?" Chu Yu asked quickly.

"Yes, have you met him?" the voice chuckled, "How is he, good right?"

Good my foot! Chu Yu rolled her eyes, the guy was a complete nutcase!

However, the voice on the phone continued: "Su Chen is a good person, get along with him, and don't be too domineering."

"If there's anything else, you two discuss it and resolve it yourselves, don't call me all the time."

The call ended quickly.

"See, I didn't lie to you," Su Chen said with a smile. "You see, I am your fiancé."

"Dear, let's shake hands, or how about a hug?"

"You haven't welcomed me yet!"

"You, drop dead!" Chu Yu was infuriated, she couldn't understand why her family had found her such a perfect jerk!

She couldn't stand to be with this person for another minute.

"Hmph, you've seen the face; now you can go," Chu Yu said coldly.

"Go? Where to?" Su Chen asked.

"Dizzy, don't you have a job? In broad daylight, you have that much free time?"

"Wife, you're really amazing, you guessed right, I really don't have a job!" Su Chen nodded.

Dizzy again! Chu Yu was about to cry; this guy was not only a loser but also unemployed.

Could it be that she was going to marry a guy who lived off women?

Oh, heavens, what kind of joke are you playing on me!

"You're a grown man, able and-bodied, how can you always think about living off a woman?" Chu Yu looked at him with disdain.

"Wronged!" Su Chen defended, "I've just returned to the country, how could I possibly have a job?"

"Besides, what's so bad about living off a woman?"

Damn, how thick can his skin be!

Chu Yu gritted her teeth and then snorted coldly, "How about this, I'll give you a sum of money, and you disappear!"

"Name your price," she said.

"How much?" Su Chen revealed his white teeth, "I don't want anything, just you."

"Hehe, with you, would I be afraid of having no money?"

"That way, I'll have both a beauty and money, haha, I'm a genius!"

Super dizzy! Chu Yu was on the verge of exploding; she had never seen someone so shameless.

She almost lost it, but she managed to hold back.

She was thinking about how to deal with this guy!

"Do you have any special skills? Or any job you would like to do?"

"Me? Fighting and killing, I guess, and I'm pretty knowledgeable about firearms. Tanks and cannons also aren't a problem."

Chu Yu: ...

She realized she had asked a pointless question.

Absolutely insane, definitely insane!

And tanks and cannons, why don't you just say spaceships!

"What's that look for?" Su Chen was not pleased, "I really can operate them, don't believe me? One day I'll give you a demo."

"Forget it!" Chu Yu shook her head; she wasn't the slightest bit interested.

"The things you're talking about are impractical. The only position I can offer you is in our company."

"A company position, huh?" Su Chen thought for a moment, then reluctantly said, "Then just make me a vice president."


Chu Yu sprayed out a mouthful of tea, Vice president? You dare to dream!

"We're not short of vice presidents!" she said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, then how about I become your secretary, we can play office romance often."

"I know lots of moves!"

Click, click, click!

Hearing these words, Chu Yu wanted to throw the cup of tea right over his head.

What the hell was he thinking!

Stay calm! Stay calm!

Chu Yu took a deep breath and finally calmed down, she said coldly, "The company really doesn't need anyone, you can go to the security department."

Frankly, she didn't want him to stay here at all, but she had no choice and could only let him work as a guard.

"Security, huh?" Su Chen was not happy, "Isn't that a bit too far from you?"


Chu Yu sneered, "If you want something closer, fine, you can either clean the toilets or stoke the boiler; pick one."

"Are you serious?" Su Chen could tell, she was doing it on purpose.

"Hey, I do have some real skills."

"Do you know, your husband once shot down planes with a handgun!"

"And you're telling me to work as a security guard? Sigh!"

Shooting down planes? Chu Yu was at her wits' end; could this guy be any more shameless?

But the next moment, she was stunned because Su Chen nodded and said, "Alright, for you, I'll work as a security guard."

What? He actually agreed? And he was smiling?

Could it be, the benefits for security guards are too good?

Chu Yu couldn't figure it out, but she still said coldly, "Come to work tomorrow, you can leave now!"