Chapter 15 So Crazy!_1

"Kid, do you want to die for hitting on a woman with me? Do you know who this young master is?"

"Let me tell you, with one phone call, I can make you disappear from this world."

"Really? Then make a call and try?" Su Chen narrowed his eyes, a sneer forming at the corner of his mouth.

"You're seeking death!"

Fang Zihao was furious, "Kid, you've successfully angered me. Just wait, I'm going to send you straight to Hell!"

With that, he pulled out an Apple phone and quickly dialed a number.

However, before he could speak, the phone was snatched away by Su Chen with a snap.

Then Su Chen squeezed hard with his hand, and the high-quality Apple phone distorted, ultimately becoming a lump of scrap metal.

"What a piece of junk phone, the quality is so bad," Lin Xuan pursed his lips and then tossed it aside.


Seeing this, both Chu Yue and Fang Zihao were stunned.

Chu Yue's eyes widened in shock, disbelief filling her beautiful eyes as if she were dreaming.

And Fang Zihao was even more terrified, wearing an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

That was a phone, an Apple phone at that!

You could smash it, break it, but had anyone ever seen someone squeeze it into a ball with their hand?

And to squeeze it into a ball, how much strength was required?

Originally, Fang Zihao saw that Su Chen was thin and frail, and he wanted to bully him.

But now it seemed that the other party had astounding strength, and if that palm grabbed onto him, it could immediately snap his bones.

Thinking this, he instinctively took two steps back.

However, when he saw the contemptuous smile at the corner of Su Chen's mouth, rage flooded his heart.

He growled again, "Kid, big muscles don't mean you have real power. Can you overpower authority?"

"Can you defeat a bullet?"

"Let me tell you, in this city, I have a hundred ways to make you disappear!"

"And you, you have no power to resist at all."

"Is that so?" Su Chen sneered, took a step forward, and started walking towards him.

At once, Fang Zihao trembled in fear and shrieked, "What, what do you want to do?"

"Let me warn you, don't mess around. If you dare touch me, you're dead for sure!"

"Oh, still daring to threaten me now?" Su Chen sneered again, reached out with his hand, grabbed the other's collar, and hoisted him up.

Seeing this, Fang Zihao almost wet himself.

How much did he weigh? About one hundred and forty or fifty pounds, but the other person just lifted him with one hand, and it seemed almost effortless.

Dammit, is this a movie scene?

Chu Yue also stood there, dumbfounded, her small mouth opened slightly in shock.

However, Fang Zihao was screaming, "Kid, if you dare lay a finger on me, you're really dead!"

"Let me tell you, my cousin is right here. If you mess with me, he'll never let you off!"

"Your cousin? Who is your cousin? Is he that awesome?" Su Chen asked.

"My cousin is Song Qing, the Young Master of the Song Family! And he has learned Taekwondo. You're dead if you run into him!" Fang Zihao gritted his teeth.

Song Qing? Su Chen burst into laughter upon hearing this name. He hadn't expected the youth in front of him to be a relative of Song Qing.

So he said, "Alright then, call Song Qing here and let's see who kneels down in the end?"

"Damn, who is so arrogant as to dare make this young master kneel?"

From the distance, a roar came, followed by a figure running towards them swiftly.

Seeing the figure, Chu Yue wore a worried look, and Fang Zihao, hoisted mid-air, started shouting frantically.

"Cousin, you're finally here! Hurry, save me!"

"This brat actually disregards you, he must be taught a good lesson!"

"Don't worry, cousin, no one can run wild here. Let's see who is being so arrogant, I will make sure he's dead!"

Song Qing was extremely arrogant, striding over this way. Because Su Chen had his back to him, he did not recognize him at first.

On the other side, Fang Zihao also started to act arrogantly, noticing that not only had Song Qing come by himself, but he had also brought three underlings with him.

With that many men, even if the kid in front of them was strong, he probably wouldn't be able to beat them.

"Kid, if you know what's good for you, let me down now, and kneel to apologize to me!"

"If I'm in a good mood, I might just let you off."

"Otherwise, I'll throw you into the sea to feed the fish!"

So noisy!

However, Su Chen just snorted coldly, and backhandedly slapped the other man's face.

Even though he did not use much force, it still sent the other man's front teeth flying.

"Ah! You dare to hit me? I'll fight you to the death!"

Fang Zihao brandished his claws, ready to fight for his life, but was then heavily slammed to the ground by Su Chen, seeing stars instantly.

Just then, Chu Yue also ran over, grabbed Su Chen, and quickly said, "Su Chen, let's go. Song Qing has brought people. They're too many; if we stay, we'll be at a disadvantage."

But Su Chen just smiled, "It's okay, they're just a few jumping clowns, not worth a strike."

"Jumping clowns?"

"Young man, you are too arrogant, daring to provoke me? And you dared to injure my brother?"

"Today, I'll make you crawl out of here."

Song Qing was extremely arrogant and was about to signal his underlings to attack, but at that moment, Su Chen turned around and smiled at him.

Suddenly, Song Qing shuddered in fear, almost kneeling on the ground.

He had not expected that his opponent would be Su Chen.

This was the person he feared the most right now.

After being reprimanded by Su Chen previously, he'd have nightmares at night. He thought he could completely avoid Su Chen, but he didn't expect to run into him again now.

"Young master, let me up there to cripple him!" a few underlings behind him said.

"Shut your mouth!" Song Qing roared, then quickly turned to Su Chen and asked, "What, what are you doing here?"

Witnessing this scene, the three underlings cooled off, while Chu Yue and Fang Zihao on the side were also stunned.

Especially Fang Zihao, who couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He yelled frantically, "Cousin, what are you doing, hurry and get them to beat him up!"

"He must be killed, he dared to hit me!"

"Will you shut up!"

Yet, Song Qing roared angrily, glaring fiercely at Fang Zihao.

"You damned fool, how could you dare to provoke Su Chen? Don't you know, he's like a demonical presence!"

Song Qing was now extremely anxious. Although he had three underlings, he didn't dare to make a move.

If he let Su Chen get away this time, the next time they met at the company, Su Chen would definitely beat him half to death.

So unless he was absolutely certain, he wouldn't move a muscle.

Moreover, he had already put out a bounty in the underworld for Su Chen's assassination, thinking it wouldn't be long before Su Chen would be killed by someone in the dark.

Therefore, there was no need for him to act personally.

Now, all he needed to do was to placate Su Chen and then safely take his cousin away.

As for Su Chen, he said with a smile, "Young Master Song, what a coincidence to run into you here."

"I heard from your cousin that you've practiced Taekwondo, quite impressive!"

"Come on, why don't we have a match?"