Chapter 116 Privilege _1

"Alright, Brother Chen, I'm already off to work." The receptionist Xiao Mei felt Su Chen's warm gaze and instantly brimmed with confidence.

She felt that this was the luckiest day she had since she started working.

And Su Chen also hummed a little tune and took off.

However, just as he arrived at the office and was about to push the door open, he heard a series of strange noises.

What the hell, what's going on?

Su Chen furrowed his brows - could someone be daring enough to engage in office romance?

But even so, to make such noises in broad daylight?

The next moment, he kicked open the door and found that the situation inside was not as one might expect. Instead, there was a lonely figure hunched over a mobile phone, sleazily staring at the screen.

From that phone, the strange noises were emanating.

"Damn, in broad daylight, you're not working properly and instead watching videos?"

"And without headphones, too. Aren't you afraid of someone discovering you?"