Chapter 263 Crisis!_1

The police officer beside him sneered, ready to push Su Chen.

However, Su Chen turned his head, and one look from him scared the other man.

The next moment, he shook his clothes and walked out with a smile.

All the employees were bewildered; they simply couldn't believe Su Chen was capable of murder. Besides, their company had been very safe lately with no disturbances.

That was all thanks to Su Chen!

Therefore, they had immense respect for Su Chen.

Seeing Su Chen being arrested, they were infuriated.

One after another, they quickly asked, "Director Su, you won't be in trouble, will you?"

"Damn it, you've got the wrong person! Director Su would never break the law!"

"Exactly, release Director Su right away! Roars of anger were heard."

Nevertheless, Su Chen waved his hands and said, "It's alright, everyone be at ease, go back to work, I'll be back soon."

Su Chen then followed the police officers to the police car and left the company.