Chapter 285: The Liang Family Fights Back?_1

It's like this, our Qingmen is also a large group, but our main development is in the underground forces.

And with underground forces, apart from money, strength is the most important.

Therefore, Qingmen holds a martial arts competition every year.

It's a contest and assessment among the younger generation.

One reason is to motivate the young ones, to ensure they don't give up martial arts training. Secondly, it's to reward those with better talent.

After all, they are the fresh blood and the pillars of Qingmen's future.

I see.

Su Chen nodded, finding that Qingmen's development approach was impressive, treating it like a sect for cultivation!

What do you want me to do?

You're not going to have me participate in such a competition, are you? Su Chen asked.

Frankly, such a contest is too childish for me. If I went, I'm afraid a single slap would be enough to defeat them all!

Of course not, only members of Qingmen can participate in this competition. Outsiders can't join.