Chapter 294: Two Beauties!_1


Gale Hall?

Su Chen narrowed his eyes and revealed a cold smirk.

If you dare to mess with my woman, then I can only take you down!

He decided to call Li Yingqiong and relay the news about Gale Hall.

At the same time, he sent a message to Qingqing, inviting her to join them.

This time, Su Chen planned to go with the two beauties alone, and have them test out the results of their recent cultivation.

After receiving the message, Qingqing responded with an 'ok', no problem, and that she would arrive on time.

On the other hand, Li Yingqiong learned of Gale Hall's doings.

Instantly, she was enraged.

Unexpectedly, there indeed was an underworld force committing crimes in secret!

As a righteous police officer, she would not let these people go.

They decided to set off after three days.

Originally, Li Yingqiong wanted to bring police officers with her, but Su Chen stopped her.