Chapter 308: The Rhythm of Meeting the Father-in-law! (4 more updates)_1

On the other side, Fang Yan was with Su Chen and Qingqing, entering another luxurious private room.

Inside sat a middle-aged man with a square face, dressed in a white Tang suit, exuding an air of great authority.

Upon seeing Fang Yan and the others come in, he nodded slightly.

After closing the door, Fang Yan then said, "Dad, this is Su Chen; he's the one who healed Qingqing's leg."

He then turned to Su Chen and said, "Brother Su, this is my father, who is also the Sect Leader of Qingmen."

"I've met Sect Master Fang," Su Chen said.

Meeting the square-faced middle-aged man, Su Chen felt differently.

Because the man wasn't just a Sect Leader, but also Qingqing's father.

Considering his relationship with Qingqing, this man before him would one day be his father-in-law.


Sect Master Fang in front of him nodded, scrutinizing Su Chen from head to toe seriously.

He then laughed and said, "Thank you for healing Qingqing's leg."

"Don't stand, please sit down," he continued.