Chapter 313: Assassin Rankings!_1


Who is it?

Could it be Lin Feng?

No, that's not right. Although that guy is ranked 137th among the mercenaries, he still can't emanate such a cold intent to kill.

Elder Zhang?

That doesn't seem like it either, the other party's aura appears to be even more robust.

Su Chen frowned slightly, after considering for a moment, he realized it was neither the young ones nor the elders.

But who could it be?

However, at this moment, a voice laced with inner strength reached his ears.

If you dare, come with me.


Hearing the voice, Su Chen sneered.

Then, he took a deep drag on his cigarette, crushed it in his hand, and flew out the window.

When he left the room, he spotted a black figure in the distance giving him a glance.

Then, it turned and moved rapidly into the distance.

Clearly, the killing intent from before must have been emitted by that person.