Chapter 349: Traitor! (2 more updates)_1

The next moment, an elder spoke in a cold voice. "Who are you, and do you know where this is?"

"To lay a hand on those inside, you're certainly doomed!"

"If you know what's good for you, leave now, and I can pretend this never happened."

"Pretend it never happened?"

Ha, I came here today to kill you all!

Su Chen snorted coldly as his aura burst forth once again, and he swung out his palm, causing the ground to crack with numerous fissures.

Countless pieces of rubble flew forward with the fierce wind.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two elders struggled to defend once more, but at that moment, a thunderous explosion erupted from the villa ahead.

What followed was a scattering of flames and surging, violent energy.

The glass windows were immediately shattered into pieces.

Not only that, but the tall wall was also smashed, leaving a huge hole in it.

What's going on?

Seeing this, the Silver Armored Guards and the two Earth Rank Martial Artists grew extremely pale.