Chapter 363: It's Him! (1 more)_1

Hearing this, the teachers were also stunned, but since Gao Zhichao had said so, they decided to stay and drink a little longer.

One of the teachers, pointing at his watch, said, "How about this, let's play for another half hour, and after that, we'll go back.

How does that sound?"

Gao Zhichao also nodded in agreement, and throughout the whole process, Su Chen had not said a word.

After all, he came out to accompany Murong Bing.

Moreover, his strength was beyond what these people could imagine; no number of thugs posed any threat to him.

So, if these people wanted to have fun, they might as well play a little longer.

Subsequently, everyone resumed drinking and chatting, seemingly forgetting the incident that had just occurred.

However, about fifteen minutes later, eight or nine figures appeared in the distance, walking toward them.

The one walking in the front was the very thug Gao Zhichao had kicked away earlier.